Exporting Product Data
Custom Fields can export basic product data and all metafield data in two data formats.
Email Notifications
When exporting, enter an email address to be notified when the export process completes.
Export Filter Options
Filter options include Title, Vendor, Type, Updated After and Created After.
The "Get Results Count" button will count all the items to be exported based on the currently applied filters (if any).
Required Export Columns
These columns are included by default to help identify the exported item. The fields included are: Handle, Title Option 1 Value, Option 2 Value, Option 3 Value, and SKU.
During an import, the data in these columns is used only to identify the target item. Any changes to this data before importing will not update the data in Shopify.
Optional Export Columns
These columns may be added to the export according to your preferences. Some are included by default but can be removed. The fields are: ID, Vendor, Type, Published, Body HTML and Tags.
During an import, the data in these columns is used only to identify the target item. Any changes to this data before importing will not update the data in Shopify.
Export Formats
The file produced is always a Comma Separated Value file, also known as a CSV file.
Standard Format
Standard exports place each product in one row, with additional rows under it for product variants. This is a common export format. Complex data structures are exported as JSON and are not easily edited in a spreadsheet (see Flat Data Format).
Flat Data Format
Flat Data exports each JSON data point into a separate row, making it much easier to read and update. This format is specifically for complex data structures that would otherwise be difficult to manage in a spreadsheet. In this format, each data point is separated into a new row.
This expanded format can create large export files and is not well suited for managing simple data. For these reasons, exporting in this format is limited to complex field types and selecting individual fields is encouraged.
Additional Settings with Flat Data Format
Each complex field type is available under Select fields to export. Simple field types are intentionally omitted.
Include Template Rows (Flat Data Only)
This setting simplifies adding new data to the file by including one template row per value. Without this option, blank fields will not appear in the export file, which makes for a smaller file, but importing new data would be challenging.
Metafield namespaces to export (Standard Format Only)
This setting is provided to allow for optimal export performance. Limiting the export to field data in a single namespace, such as my_fields or custom_fields will greatly improve export times. This setting also can be used to limit the export file to remove any problematic data that may be added by other apps.
SKUs are attached to Product Variants in Shopify. To export SKUS, select "Include Product Variants (slower / required for SKU)" under "Additional Settings"
Product Variants
Product Variants may have data associated with each variant. For performance reasons, this data is not fetched and included by default. The option "Include Product Variants (slower / required for SKU)" under "Additional Settings" is required.
Exporting Metafield Data From Other Apps
Select "Export all metafield values" under "Additional Settings" to export metafield data not entered into the custom_fields namespace.
Missing Columns & Missing Products
By default, exports will only include products that have field data associated with them. A new product without metafield will not appear in an export. We recommend entering product data for at least one product in order to get a complete export with all columns.
If a field has no data across the entire export, the column will be omitted from the export. To resolve this, select the option "Include products that do not have custom fields" under "Additional Settings".
Shopify Exports vs. Custom Fields Exports
Exports from both systems are very similar in their structure with one key difference.
Shopify merges the data from the first variant into the product's row in the export file. Custom Fields keeps these separate. This difference allows you to export and import data stored at the variant level and data stored on the product itself.
Need Better Exports?
Check out our sister app, InstaSheets, to create custom exports that include Custom Fields data. InstaSheets can also create a dynamic file that is always up to date with Custom Fields data included. InstaSheets can listen for updates to your data and keep it current so you never have to wait for another export again.