Formatting Field Types For Import
General Field Types
Enter 0
or enter FALSE
for off, and 1
for on.
Admin Side (post import):
For products that you put a 1
or wrote TRUE
, the checkbox will be checked.
For products that you put a 0
or wrote FALSE
, the checkbox will be unchecked.
Enter a date using a Unix Epoch Timestamp, such as 946684799
or any valid date format that can be parsed by PHP's strtotime() function. See for valid formats. Since most anything will parse into a usable date, Custom Fields does not perform validation on dates. You can test dates using this tool.
Admin Side (post import):
Enter a valid email address. Custom Fields validates to ensure that only valid email addresses are entered and will reject any email that is invalid.
Admin Side (post import):
For products that you entered an email in, this will now show in the admin side.
Enter a raw url and Custom Fields will use the url as both the title and the link. Include link HTML instead of a raw URL to populate the title and link target attributes. For example, <a href=“” target=“_blank”>A Link To Google</a>
OR <a href=""></a>
Admin Side (post import):
For products that you entered a proper link tag, this will now show in the admin side.
Enter a telephone number. There is no validation on phone numbers.
Admin Side (post import):
Enter a valid URL. Invalid URLs will be rejected by Custom Fields.
Admin Side (post import):
Text Field Types
Enter text. Custom Fields validates against the max length you’ve configured and will reject text longer than the defined range.
Admin Side (post import):
Text List - (any type)
Enter one or more text items, separated by the "|"
character. For example, Bonify|Awesome
. Custom Fields validates against the values you’ve configured as options and will reject text items that are not in your defined option list.
Admin Side (post import):
Enter any HTML as you’d like it to appear. Use caution to make sure your HTML doesn't cause problems with your CSV, as CSV is generally a limited/brittle file format.
Admin Side (post import):
Code Field Types
Embed Code
See notes for HTML. Accepts HTML embed code.
Admin Side (post import):
Upload Field Types
Enter a URL for an image. Custom Fields will copy the image into our system (technically it gets uploaded and stored on an Amazon S3 bucket). The image must be publicly accessible on the internet. If you'd like to include an alt tag, enter an image tag with the alt tag attribute.
Enter a URL for a file. Custom Fields will copy the file into our system (technically it gets uploaded and stored on an Amazon S3 bucket). File must be publicly accessible on the internet. If you'd like to include an alt tag, enter an image tag with the alt tag attribute.
Admin Side (post import):
Number Field Types
Enter a whole number. Custom Fields validates against the min and max values you’ve configured as options and will reject numbers out of the defined range.
Admin Side (post import):
As long as you placed an integer in the field correctly it will show up admin side.
Number List - (any type)
Enter one or more numbers, separated by the |
character. For example, 9.5|6
. Custom Fields validates against the values you’ve configured as options and will reject numbers that are not in your defined option list.
Admin Side (post import):
If you imported these correctly it should show up in the default select drop-down menu.
Enter a number with or without decimal places. For example, 8.99
. Custom Fields validates against the min and max values you’ve configured and will reject numbers out of the defined range.
Admin Side (post import):
Reference Field Types
Product Reference:
Enter the handle of the product you’d like to reference. For multiple values, separate them with a |
character. For example, product-1-handle|product-2-handle
Admin Side (post import):
If you imported your fields correctly you will see the items in the admin panel.
Field Collections
Importing field collection data is not currently supported. A new version of Field Collections will support this very soon.