What are Layout Areas?
Custom Fields now ships with multiple "Layout Areas" for most Shopify objects, such as products or collections.
What is the "Inner Area"?
The Inner Area is an extension of the content areas in a theme. It is not a theme Section. It is an extension of existing theme Sections. For example, when viewing a Product, the Inner Area is added to the end of the product's description.
Generally, these areas are ideal for displaying small data points rather than adding visual interest. When viewing a product, additional specifications about the product would be an ideal fit for the Inner Area for products.
How does it work?
Fields created in the app are available for theme placement via the Display page in the app. The settings are per-theme. When a field is enabled in the Inner Area, the app renders a file that prints each enabled field's template automatically.
Long-time users of Custom Fields will recognize this as an enhanced version of our previous theme system, but with better display management.
Content entry and theme administration is done entirely within the app when using the Inner Area.
Raw data is stored in Metafields in Shopify with the full power of that system.
Can this be customized?
Yes. Within the theme, you may move the print statement to anywhere you'd like. For example, you may want to print product fields above the product description, rather than below.
The Inner Area is provided as a convenience for non-technical users. Using Layout Areas and our template system is entirely optional.
What is the "Full Width Area"?
The Full Width Area integrates with Shopify's Theme Sections.
Generally, these areas are ideal for adding Widgets or additional visual interest to the page. Fields or Widgets displayed here will extend from one side of the page to the other, rather than being included as part of an existing Section.
How does it work?
Fields created in the app are enabled via the Display page in the app. Enabling is done on a per-theme basis. Once enabled, the field or widget will be available for placement via Shopify's Theme Editor.
Once placed in the Theme Editor, no other administration needs to take place within the Theme Editor. All content entry is done via the app. Simply place the field in the Theme Editor and when content is available for that item, it will be displayed in that area. It is not necessary to return to the Theme Editor to enter content or place the item again.
Raw data is stored in Metafields in Shopify with the full power of that system. Data is not stored in Content Fields on a per theme basis and data is not stored in the theme. Any data stored is globally available to your store, regardless of the theme.
Can this be customized?
Yes. Within the theme, you may move the new Section to anywhere you'd like. For example, you may want to move the entire Section to a different area of the page.
Aside from integration into the Theme Editor and Section system, the Full Width Area uses the same template files and rendering system that the Inner Area uses.
The Full Width Area is provided as a convenience for non-technical users. Using Layout Areas and our template system is entirely optional.
Does it matter which one I choose when getting started?
No. They are interchangeable. You can start out using the Inner Area for a field and then disable it in the Inner Area and play with it in the Full Width Area.