Creating a Global Shipping Policy Field


In this advanced tutorial, we will guide you through the creation of a Shipping Policy field using globals. This can be useful if you have only one shipping policy and want to quickly implement them across all of your products. 

Getting Started

Create a new Global Text Field, this will be the text that displays on all of our products!

Tip: Don't check Exclude from display, this feature is only if you don't want your fields to show up on your storefront. If you don't see your field appear at the end of the article, check this first!

Now that you have a new field, remove the header tag from the Edit Code section on the Edit Custom Fields Settings screen. While this is not required, it makes formatting a lot easier. If you mess up, don't worry just click the Reset to the default liquid template checkbox and click Update Settings again. 


When you're finished, remember to click on  Update Settings and then head over to the Edit Globals tab. This tab is where you can edit all of your global Custom Field values in the app! Fill in the form with whatever you want the shipping policy to say and click Save when you are done.


Advanced Customization

Now that we have a global we created we need to copy the print statement and paste it where we want it in our store. Since we are working with a global, it can be placed store wide with no issues!

Head back to the Edit Custom Fields screen (Configure Fields > Edit). Here you can see the print statement in the edit code section. It will look something like pictured below. Copy this snippet and enter your Shopify theme code.


Inside your theme code, click on product.liquid under Templates. Depending on your Shopify theme, the code for products could be here, but it will tell you if otherwise. In our case, we have to go to product-template.liquid under Sections.


Inside this section, Ctrl+F/Cmd+F(Mac) and search for product.description. This is where our code will go. Paste the snippet below any other Custom Fields code below product.description and click the blue Save button at the top right.



Now your global Shipping Policy field will appear on all of your products.


Additional Resources & Information

Shopify - Liquid Documentation: This help center article will get you started with liquid coding for your Shopify store.